Steel Plus Network Connections Issue 3 | Page 20



amily and steel are fairly self-explanatory in my life ; however , triathlon is the base that holds the rest together .
I was a smoker from age 14 to 29 , but thankfully , triathlon changed that . On a dare , I entered an Olympic-distance race in 1987 . During and after finishing this race , I felt a rush I had never known before , and I was hooked . What followed has been a 35-year hobby that has allowed me to do almost 200 races in locations all across Ontario and Canada as well as places like Bermuda , Italy , Arizona , and New Zealand .
It was after New Zealand in 2004 that I realized my best races were the longer distance ones , so I started doing long courses , eventually leading to a Half Ironman and , in 2012 , my first Ironman ( IM ) in Montreal . An Ironman competition includes a 4-km swim , a 180- km bike ride , and a 42-km run . It was fantastic ! I had a time of 12 hours , 35 minutes , and 12 seconds . Since that race , life has been about the next IM race .
I am fortunate to have a wife that races as well and kids who love to travel to watch us race . The fact is , triathlon has been a huge asset in my life , both personally and business-wise . The ability to go for a long run or bike ride allows me time to work through issues I am facing . I have solved more major issues while on a run than at any other time . Sometimes , I can ’ t wait to get back to write down a solution and that leads to a fantastic run / bike time — so a win-win !
We are always prepping and training for the next race , so when Benson Steel decided to build a new head office , it was only natural to have a gym to facilitate on-site training . I can hit a short midday run , bike ride , or a few weights and clear my mind . It has also allowed us to drive home the message of daily health and fitness with our staff , and many now use the gym on a regular basis . Even at 62 , I am fitter than I was in my 20s and 30s thanks to triathlon . It has also led to a healthy mind-set as I have truly learned how to be focused and mentally fit to face the challenges of everyday life . +