Steel Plus Network Connections Issue 3 | Page 19


he age of information technology has brought numerous advancements and innovations to our daily routine . Computers , cell phones , and the internet have made most of life ’ s challenges easier . Just like other moments in history , however , new advancements offer lots of opportunity for those who want to harm you and get your money , other important possessions , and even your identity .
Identity theft is the newest obstacle of the corporate world . Corporate data breaches have now become an epidemic , and new regulatory and legal changes have lead to huge corporate liability . The term “ identity theft ” actually means the process of someone using another person ’ s identity for any type of service , notification , or transaction . Hackers can use your identity to open up a phone or social media account in your name , can defame you by using your identity , or even open a credit card account in your name .
1 . Prevent Dumpster Diving
Identity thieves often get your personal information by going through trash . With the help of a paper shredder , shred any type of document you get in the mail that contains any personal information . Stop your financial statements from being delivered through paper mail .
2 . Monitor Your Identity
Ignorance cannot be bliss when it comes to identity theft . To prevent identity theft or to minimize the potential impact of it , you must be prepared to monitor your identity properly . That means you need to check your financial accounts at least once a month , including your office accounts , credit cards , and the like .
3 . Inventory Your Wallet
Statistics say most people carry their purse or wallet all the time . Can you list the exact contents of your purse or wallet ? The items contained within it are vital to keeping your identity safe , and they are one of the top ways identity thieves get the information they need .
4 . Use Complicated Passwords
Computer and online passwords need to be better than “ password ” or “ 1234 ”. Be aware of how easy it could be to gain control of your accounts if you have a weak password and take adequate measures to avoid that .
5 . Be Aware Of Phishing Attacks
This is when a scammer tries to acquire your information by pretending to be someone else . Don ’ t share your details with any unknown person if they have failed to show any authenticated proof of their own identity . +