Steel Construction Vol 40 No 3 - Mining, Industrial, Import/ Export | Page 11

SAISC FEATURE Spencer tells us about his great career in structural steel It is not often that I have battled to write an article for steel construction. Once a subject has been agreed with the editor, I typically mulled over the article such that when I sat down with finger on key board, the article just flowed. But quite honestly, my engineering career including education has spanned some 54 years and condensing that into a few page article has me battling, this is the final version of numerous drafts. BELOW LEFT: Multistory Buildings in Israel from the Girder Naco days. BELOW CENTRE: “Engineering Machines”, Container Handling Cranes. BELOW RIGHT: Lounge node in transit from Construction Yard to Main Airport Building. Steel Construction Vol. 40 No. 3 2016 9