STEAMed Magazine April 2016 | Page 31

Social media has proven important in facilitating our STEAM Studio as well as our technology goals to produce selfsufficient, digitally responsible, life-long learners. Once our grant was funded and equipment was being ordered the realization that we would have to learn to use the equipment began to sink in! Personal Learning Networks via Twitter came to the rescue! Finding people with the same mindset and similar experiences proved valuable in learning how to use the equipment as well as how to plan for student use. There was simply not enough time to attend training necessary to learn the needed skills to run the STEAM Studio. Promoting student accomplishments in a visual way via social media has gained local and global recognition. Artists, engineers, teachers and many others in education are taking note of our student’s accomplishments. This recognition has brought a sense of excitement to our studio as students are asked to show off their skills and experiences. Art students were asked to participate in edCampglobal, a world-wide live streaming event held in January of 2016, to show off their STEAM Studio experience. This experience has led to many others including a collaborations with local community organizations, business’, and several school tours. In addition, our students have utilized the STEAM Studio to create for competitions. For example, state level of VASE (Visual Arts Scholastic event) held here in Texas and winning 3rd place in the Edible Car contest hosted by Texas Women’s College. Currently, we have another team working on an aviation simulation competition hosted by GAMA (General Aviation Manufacturers Association.). This May our campus is hosting a “STEAM Carnival,” a student led interactive exposition that will allow time for students to communicate to parents and the community the experiences of creating, designing, implementing STEAM activities from start to finish using skills gained during the process. We welcome you to join us live on Periscope @smARTisteacher or find us on YouTube afterwards! STEAMed Magazine 31 April 2016 Edition