STEAMed Magazine April 2016 | Page 30

Have you ever witnessed an epiphany? You know, that “Ah ha!” moment, when a student suddenly becomes aware of something that is very important to them. It is a magical event that brings such joy to the learning environment! Imagine being able to facilitate those moments every day! In the Spring Semester of 2015 our campus applied for and was awarded a $25,000.00 grant from our Aledo Educational Foundation. With a little nudge from the Fine Arts, our team took the opportunity to advocate for the arts and suggested arts integration be tied into the grant. We opted to develop a STEAM Studio to promote PBL and arts integration. Our STEAM Studio is an open studio available for individual student use or classroom use. It is run similar to that of a campus library. We were able to include the following equipment: laser engraver, woodworking tools, robotics, 3D printers, vinyl cutter, sewing machine and an embroidery machine. Below is a statement that was used in the grant application. “The needs of the 21st century learner have moved past the ideas of read and rote to a more hands-on approach to problem-solving and collaborative learning. Creativity is on a decline. Research has proven that project-based learning provides students with real-world scenarios thus needing students to have skills necessary to find real world answers. The STEAM Studio will provide students a time and place to design and create authentic products and solutions.” - STEAM Studio grant 2015 Understandably, our campus as a whole is very much tied to traditional instruction. It’s what our teachers and students know best, they understand the process’ and our students are successful. Our students are smart! They know how to study and take tests and this proves our system is working. However, what is it working for? The worry is that our system does not work for the future of our Nation, that we are not generating problem solvers, innovative thinkers and great leaders. Our STEAM Studio is facilitating a change in the campus culture as teachers see how STEAM based education is engaging students, expanding minds allowing for student choice and encouraging student voice. STEAMed Magazine 30 April 2016 Edition