STEAMed Magazine April 2016 | Page 26

Do you integrate with just visual art, or do you try to use all of the arts (music, theater, dance, visual art, graphic design, etc) in your work?  How do you incorporate them in a unique or different way? We integrate all the arts into our work.  Advances in technology are unlocking many new ways to play and entertain.  We believe there are opportunities to reimagine theater, dance, opera, film and more using technology like sensors, computer vision, and virtual reality.
 What role do you see the arts playing in education and our economy in the 21st century? What do arts and classroom teachers need to do differently? Arts and entertainment are great hooks to inspire kids about learning.  We believe the more that teachers can incorporate hands on projects that appeal to students the more they will be engaged.  Regardless of the subject, there is an opportunity to incorporate STEAM principles.  Learning is better in context, so, as an example, a history class studying 13th century England could include a survey of the engineering advances that enabled the new church designs of that period. 
 STEAMed Magazine 26 April 2016 Edition