State Emissary, November 2017. Issue 1 2017 Edition | Page 42

SM | DEVELOPMENT While the botched attempt by the Nigeria-born, UK/Yemen-trained Abdul Mutalab may have failed, it however signaled a more dangerous development in our understanding of terrorism. The event, while underscoring the existence of yet a potent force within radical Islam to recruit, train, and foment more terrorist activities, directly challenges the successes or failures of the anti-terrorism campaign. More than anything else, the development signals an increasing latitude between global terrorist networks and local elements in places hitherto unrelated to the Israeli- Palestinian conflict. For instance, counter terrorism measures embarked upon by Egypt led to a situation whereby a number of terror groups’ leaders and supporters fled Egypt to different location in Africa and the Middle East. From these bases, they not only supported myriad of causes, but also contributed to the establishment of transnational terror organizations across Africa and the Middle East. Algeria. The rise of Boko Haram in Nigeria, the exploits of Al- Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), the take-over by the Arab Movement of the Azawad in Mali, and other constellations of terrorist groups in West Africa in general have been linked to, among other things, the US-led global campaign on terrorism as well as to the fall of Gadhafi in Libya. Just as members of al-Jihad and al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya fled to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries to unite with others and stage bigger terror attacks on the US, so Islamic fundamentalists who were uprooted from Afghanistan, Iraq, and Gadhafi’s Libya were believed to have teamed together in different parts of West Africa and the Maghreb to continue their Jihads against real or perceived US interests. Through networks of clandestine organizations, Asari Dokubo, a leader of one of Nigeria’s terrorist groups, This trend has spiked in recent times. A few months procured resources for defraying cost of arms and after the 9/11 terrorist attack, a ammunition as well as to group of religious extremists, the purchase a facility in South “ The local and global terrorist Muhajirun (the migrants), groups, as the examples have shown, Africa. On the outward, these emerged in Northern Nigeria serve one another. On the one hand, clandestine organizations and from neighboring Niger network of groups appear to be the local terrorist groups provide Republic. The aim of this group religious and devoted to religious manpower for the global terrorist and their followers in Yobe State causes, but, more often than not, groups, who, on the other hand, and Maiduguri, capital of Borno their operational character was contribute to the local groups by State, was to ensure the clandestine, covert, limited to providing training and other introduction of the Shari’a legal members and was aimed at resources. . code. Although the Nigerian preventing infiltration from government crushed the security forces and to stave-off activities of the group, Mallam Bello Ilyas Damagun, public attention. the Director of Media Trust Limited and publisher of the Daily Trust newspaper was, however, arrested The local and global terrorist groups, as the examples and charged in court for alleged link to the al-Qaeda have shown, serve one another. On the one hand, the network. Mallam Damagun, prior to his arrest, had local terrorist groups provide manpower for the global sent 14 young Nigerians to an Unmil Qurah Islamic terrorist groups, who, on the other hand, contribute to Camp, a terrorist training camp in Mauritania. In the local groups by providing training and other addition, Damagun was said to have obtained money resources. When national government fights terror from al-Qaeda in Sudan. He also provided material with terror, local terrorist groups would seek and assistance such as a ten-seater bus with registration deploy terror as a measure to negotiate with the state. number Kaduna AN 379 ANC and provided 30 public The more the local groups seek to increase their address systems for the organization in Maiduguri. In capacities to cope with state terrorism, the more they 2007, Mohammed Yusuf, the late leader of Boko will gravitate towards transnational actors for the Haram, was arrested and arraigned on a five-count much needed resources such as training, equipment, charge of illegally receiving money and other etc. However this is viewed, the distilling of local resources from the Taliban in Niger Republic. terrorist groups into global ones, among other things, Mohammed Asafa, from Kano, was also charged for underscores a dichotomous and asymmetric view of receiving funds from al-Qaeda operatives to carry out local groups and their relationship with global groups. terrorist attacks on Americans in Nigeria. Before his It also signals a global expansion of terror and gradual arrest, he had recruited and sent 21 fighters to the erosion of spatial constraints, which has now created Salafis Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC) in new spaces for terrorists. 40 | NOV. 2017