Prayer of Surrender
Lord, help me to remember that together you and I can
handle anything that comes my way today. Instead of
giving in to old patterns of coping with overwhelming
emotions, I choose to give you control over my life. I
ask you to be in charge. I am not willing for my life
to stay the same. Today I take this step: to give you
control that I may walk through my day in mental,
physical, and emotional peace. Until I have developed
this choice to the point where it becomes natural to
me, please walk with me through every moment of the
day. I will make the choice-you
will be my strength.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
Unhealthy Expressions
Why won't everyone just leave me alone? My family seems
more concerned about what I am or am not eating and
don't seem to care about me! I am hurting, confused, and
feel so alone, but I just don't know how to express it.
-Allie, personal journal entry
God gave us the ability to experience feelings, but He doesn't
want us to be controlled by our emotions. Your feelings and
emotions will find an expression in your life. Make the decision
to share them with others in a safe healthy way, so they don't
express themselves in destructive patterns with the potential to
destroy your life.
It is important to express what you are feeling to someone
else with whom you are comfortable. If communicating with
words is hard for you, try creative writing, drawing or painting,