Starved | Page 18

anorexia, bulimia, or binge-eating, you are actually giving control of your life to your enemy, the devil. The enemy wants you to believe that because you can deny yourself food you have some sort of power over your body and over your life. But the Bible says that we are slaves to whatever controls us (2 Peter 2:19). "Be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour" (1 Peter 5:8, NASB). Satan is your adversary, your enemy. He wants you to believe that you are in control of your life, but this is a deception tactic to keep you in bondage. The way to walk in freedom is to choose to surrender control of your life to God instead of trying to control your life yourself. With everything in my life so out of control it is easyfor me tofocus on food. I feel sopowerful knotoing I can have so much self-control but it is slowly becoming bigger than me. How has something I thought I owned grown to own me? I can't do it anymore by myself-I need help. -Allie's personal journal entry There are healthier ways than developing a