STAR: What is your favourite experience as an artist? S.RAGAN: My favourite experience is when someone buys of my works, and it brings them joy. I am the happiest when I make others happy through the gifts I have been given. STAR: What is your inspiration behind your paintings? S.RAGAN: I think peace and serenity are my inspiration for most of my works. STAR: Can you describle your work place or studio? S.RAGAN : I guess I am your normal messy artist. My studio is in my Condo, in Riverside, IL, it is what should have been the dining room. It is next to the kitchen. The booth I sit in, is from a favourite bar that my Husband and I used to go to, that has been torn down. I have my Easel there and another card table. I put some cheap car- peting down, to save the floor from paint drips. It has a great source of light, big windows, and it overlooks a riv- er. I have several chest of drawers full of supplies. Plus, I painted an Abbey Road Beatles Mural on the wall of the studio. STAR: What obstacles do you face in making and exhibiting your work? S.RAGAN: Trying to find venues for my art can be dif - ficult. I am always searching for new places to show my work. 18