STAR: What’s integral to the work of an artist? S.RAGAN: Imagination is the key to any great art. Seeing a vision of a work, and then making it real. I say the ability to take an idea, and create something 2D or 3D from that idea, that is the miracle of art. An artist sees life differently than others that may not have that ability. It is a gift from God. Also, art is such a personal thing. Give a group of artists the same thing to paint, and each painting will be so unique, because, each person is unique. STAR: What role does the artist have in society? S.RAGAN: Art makes everything better, it colours our world. We read poetry to connect with others, to feel their joy or pain, we see a beautiful painting, and something touches us. We are changed by the imagination of others. I believe art is one of the greatest gifts of all. STAR: Could you tell us some interest- ing facts about your life? S.RAGAN: I have travelled to many lands, including china, Indonesia, Greece, Italy, Eng- land, Germany, Hong Kong, Thailand, and the USA. I graduated college with a Bachelor’s de- gree in Art History. I have won many times at the Fest for Beatles Fans art contest, held in Chi- cago, IL. I am married for almost 21 years, and have a twin sister, and am an Aunt to her two cats. 17