How One Direction was formed
Niall, Liam, Zayn, Harry and Louis all tried out for the X-Factor in 2010. They all auditioned in their home town and got put through to the next round. The songs they sang for when they auditioned where, Harry did “isn’t she lovely”, Liam sang “Cry me a river”, Louis sang “Hey There Deliah”, Niall sang “So sick”, and Zayn sang “Let me love you”.
Days after the judges have finished all of their auditioning its boot-camp time. The five boys tried there hardest in boot-camp and Zayn left and hide behind the stage cause h didn’t know how to dance, but Simon had found where zayn was and told me to get out there and try casue hes not facing his fears if hes not trying. At the end of the day sadly Louis, Harry, Niall, Zaym and liam did not get passed boot-camp. They were devastated, but before you knew it they called back all the people that didn’t get in and called out five guy names and four girl names. They called out niall’s nams harrys’s name louis’s name liam’s name and zayn’s name, and ask for those 9 people to go back to the stage.
The judges said that thse nine people standing in front of them were to talnted to let go and wanted to form two groups, A girl group and a guy group with niall, harry, liam, Louis, and zayn. And that’s the story how one direction was formed.