Start with the Stars Volume 1 | Page 15

Advice Column

By: Sydney Niziol

Dear Vicky,

I have some serious Adam Levine fever, I’m dying to see him perform, but I can never get tickets! All his other fans get to them before me and I don’t have time to camp out in front of a ticket booth or computer screen waiting for the tickets to go on sale. I’ve tried everything I can think of but it never works. What should I do?


Adam deprived

Dear Adam deprived,

From one Adam fan to another I feel your pain! Adam Levine rocks and the world knows it, the entire world knows it, which makes it hard for people with little time to get the chance to wait out for hours on end at booths or computers just for a ticket. Really hard. Now that we are in the age of major technology almost everyone is on a computer all the time, for work, for school and for fun.

When ordering tickets on an online site you’re competing with a lot of the human population and many people use cheaper ticket prices as a way to scam people into giving them more money than what the tickets are actually priced at. Be careful where you buy. Lucky for you there is an alternative answer.

Place reservations ahead of time, set up a backup plan so if you can’t make the time to get tickets a friend already has or is ready to. Sometimes you just need to know exactly when and where tickets are on sale and set up a plan with friends so you are at the head of the line.

When ordering online make sure you have all of your information already typed in place and the number of tickets entered. Then all you need to do is wait for the timer to count down with your mouse on the enter button and your eyes on the screen. Click fast and furious, and enjoy the satisfaction of success.

Sincerely, Vicky