Stars in Cyprus Feb. 2013 | Page 3


Tensions boil!

Emilia out of line

The pot of tension between Desdemona and Othello is beginning to boil.

Over the past few days Othello and Iago have been getting closer as Iago gains more and more of Othello’s Trust.

Othello has been acting harshly towards Desdemona since he found out that she may be cheating on him with Cassio from Iago. He even went as far as humiliating her in public saying, “O devil, devil!/If that the earth could teem with woman’s tears,/Each drop she falls would prove a crocodile./Out of my sight!”

Time will only tell what else will go down between Desdemona and Othello, but as of right now the future does not look promising.

A woman should always follow her husband’s orders.

Emilia recently broke this social rule a few days ago when she refused to follow her husband Iago’s orders to leave. She exclaimed at him, “No, I will speak as liberal as the north;/Let heaven and men and devils, let them all,/All, all cry shame against me, yet I’ll speak!”

This exclamation did not seem to surprise anyone in the room besides Iago, as everyone just let her speak.

Emilia knew this was extremely risky. But after the death of Desdemona, Emilia needed to speak out and let the truth be heard.

One lesson can be learned from this: Social rules are important, but the truth reins over all.