STAR-POST (Music) July 2018 STAR-POST (Music) July 2018 | Page 3
n this issue of STAR-Post, we take a closer look at how music teachers
can make deeper and more meaningful musical connections with
students, through discovering what is on their heart and mind. Where
does each student stand in his/her journey of musical discovery? What type of
music captures our students’ interest and defines their lived experience? What
songs speak to their hearts and gives flight to their dreams? What lessons can we
curate to allow students to experience the full vitality of musical concepts, and to
free their artistic voice? The answer lies in the careful weaving of assessment into
our teaching practices, giving us a clearer view of how our students are learning,
and how we can teach them better.
This issue begins with a sharing by STAR’s OEIR Professor Martin Fautley on
assessment in music education and how we reflect on our own classroom practices.
We also learn more about the Critical Inquiry journey that some teacher-leaders
have taken to broaden their perspectives and think deeper about their teaching
processes, to make learning more meaningful for their students.
Additionally, we feature the final instalment of the Singapore Teaching Practice
model with respect to Assessment and Feedback - setting meaningful assignments
that help check for understanding and ways of providing feedback that aid our
students’ learning. Our Music Senior Teacher, Mr Shahrin Mahmud also shares his
assessment practices in the classroom that encourage the student voice.
We are excited to work in close partnership with you to bring pedagogy that is
relevant and innovative for your music classroom. Based on the overwhelming
response to our recent fully-subscribed Stories
We Sing Seminar, we believe you
will continue to make a deep and wonderful impact and influence for quality arts
teaching in our music lessons.
Thank you for taking this PD journey with us.
Lee Huan Siak James
Deputy Director, Music
Singapore Teachers’ Academy for the aRts