STAR-POST (Music) January 2019 STAR-Post 2019 | Page 9
Arts Teachers
as Catalyst
for Change
Arts education has
the power to effect
changes in attitude
and action. It is a
pivotal platform
to cultivate a
sense of curiosity,
discover interests,
grow passion, and
develop many
life skills.
“The future belongs to those who
learn more skills and combine them
in creative ways.”
Robert Greene
process as announced by Second
Minister for Education so as to
align our schools’ DSA process
How do we
take the lead to
champion the
arts further and
shape arts learning
to influence our
students, our
locally and even,
What creative
ideas and insights
did you gain that
sparked interesting
Partnering arts organisations can expand and objectives back to the original
students’ repertoire of arts experiences intention of recognising specific
as our students are nurtured both as talents. For one, schools would be
artists and audience. When students gain more judicious in identifying and
insight to the creative process behind a recognising potential and specific
performance piece through experiencing a talent rather than general academic
mentorship programme, our students are ability.
given opportunities to discover and develop
their interests and strengths. Being able To further recognise non-academic
to recognise their non-academic aptitudes aptitude and skills, and support
and skills helps them make more informed the multiple pathways taken by our
choices about the pathways they wish to students with various interests,
pursue. Learning therefore becomes more Polytechnic students will be assessed
relevant and coupled with a hands-on primarily on their polytechnic GPA.
approach, learning certainly comes alive. Both schemes support our students
with diverse interests and learning
styles as it recognises late-bloomers,
and creates more opportunities for
The Direct School Admission (DSA) those who flourish after discovering
scheme saw a refinement to its selection their interest when they are older.