Which boat will sink and which boat
will not sink?
My question is: If I
have three boats, one made
out of aluminum foil, one
made out of paper, and one
made out of cardboard,
which boat shape can hold
the most marbles? I predict
that the boat made out of
aluminum foil will hold the
marbles without sinking to
the bottom of the bucket
because it is a stronger
The materials I will
need for my experiment are:
aluminum foil, paper and
cardboard to make each
boat; 15 marbles and a
bucket with water. ! T h e
independent variable is the
three boats made our of
three different materials.
The constant/controlled
variables are the marbles,
the size of the boats and
the bucket of water.
The procedure I will
follow in order to answer
my question is to first
make the three boats using
the aluminum foil, paper
and cardboard.
place the boats in the
bucket of water and drop
five marbles into each
boat. I will observe and
record which boat holds
the most marbles.
I found that the boat
made out of aluminum foil
held the marbles without
sinking. Therefore I
proved my hypothesis that
aluminum foil proved to be
a better material to hold
marbles and not sink.
What I learned from this
experiment is how
different kinds of materials
are able to hold objects. I
hope you would do this
experiment too.