How to grow a sweet potato in the
winter faster
The purpose of my
experiment was to find
out if sweet potatoes can
grow faster with dirt or
hypothesized that if I use
dirt to grow a sweet
potato it will grow faster
than just water because
dirt has nutrients.
To c o n d u c t m y
experiment I needed the
following material: pot of
dirt, shoebox, two sweet
potatoes, cup of water.
Once I had my
materials, I followed this
1. Get the shoe box cut
one of its ends and
make it two by two
2. have a small cup of
water and put toothpicks
around the potato so it
takes a little bit of water
each day.
3. Put the other potato in
the pot and water it.
4. Now compare them to
see which one grow
The independent
variable was a sweet
potato. The dependent
variable was dirt, and
light. The controlled
variable was pot of dirt.
In the end, my
results were good. My
hypothesis was not
supported because the
potato in the dirt did not
grew better than the
potato just in water.
I learned that even
though you put a potato
with dirt it wonʼt grow
much. But in water it
grew a lot because the
roots go though the
water and have more