Mints and Their Effect on Coke
The purpose of
this project is to find
out what types of mints
effect Coca-Cola when
they are dropped
inside a can of it and
why. My hypothesis is
that Mentos will only
work because there is
a special ingredient
inside the Mentos.
The procedure I
am going to use is the
following: Shake a can
of Coke, then quickly
open it. Insert a mint
into the can then take
a picture of the
reaction when it
happens (if it does).
Repeat this with the
other mints. At the end
ingredients list to find
out why or why not the
mints you used had a
reaction with the Coke.
The materials I
experiment were a
Mento, a Newmanʼs
Own peppermint, a
peppermint Vermint,
three cans of Coke,
and a camera.
My dependent
variable was how big
of a reaction would the
mints have with the
Coke.The independent
variable was the
different mints, and the
constants were the
same fizz drinks(Coke)
and the same weather