Stainless Steel World Magazine September 2023 | Page 50

[ Life Cycle Assessment ]

[ Life Cycle Assessment ]

goals . Companies play a crucial role in reducing carbon emissions , and Alleima is one of the leading companies in Sweden and has a focus on reducing its carbon footprint . However , implementing LCA methodology is not just about meeting the requirements of global initiatives and regulations . It is also about ensuring that a company can remain competitive and meet customer demands .
Strong interest from customers Customer interest in LCA data is significant and increasing . More and more companies need to report their upstream carbon footprints due to sustainability reporting directives from the EU and other organisations . Many customers are aware of their own environmental footprint and demand information from their suppliers about the carbon footprint of products to compare offerings and make informed decisions . This can include information from manufacturers and suppliers to support the customer ’ s scope 3 emissions goals ( emissions not produced directly by the customer but by their upstream supply chain ) so they can calculate their overall environmental impact . For today ’ s manufacturers , being able to supply this information to customers is critical .
Accelerating greener choices One of the advantages of an LCA study is that it can pinpoint the areas that have the most significant environmental impact in a product ’ s life cycle . This information can be used by steel manufacturers to target improvements and to reduce the carbon footprint of their products . By analysing usage , it is also possible to optimise the preservation and utilisation of resources , such as switching to alternative materials with a lower carbon footprint . It can also generate cost savings for manufacturers by identifying more efficient processes for them to implement . Providing third-party verified LCA results can help manufacturers strengthen the relationship , transparency , and trust with their customers and broader stakeholders . By collaborating with customers and implementing sustainable solutions , manufacturers can help their customers achieve their climate goals and contribute to greener choices for the industry .
What your LCA study should include An LCA can include a variety of calculations and standards , depending on what is to be assessed , but factors that significantly contribute to carbon footprint should be incorporated . Verification of the LCA indicates that specific standards have been followed . However , there can be differences in analyses which can make them difficult to compare without the support of a detailed technical report . Technical reports should always be reviewed to ensure the same system boundaries are being calculated . These can include confirmation of the same life cycle phases to be assessed , emission factors , use of data , and whether the assessment covers only CO2 or widerranging CO2 equivalents ( CO2e ) which include other greenhouse gases such as methane . To ensure transparency and uniformity it is important to include a description of each of the calculations and standards used in the LCA study . Remember that an LCA is only one method that can be used to assess and compare carbon footprints ; other methods may provide different results .
Review your LCA Due to the subjective nature of the method , it is considered best practice to review your LCA before communicating results to stakeholders . The review will provide credibility and transparency and ensures that the standards are being followed . The review should be carried out by a trustworthy external party ; any results and conclusions described in a review report should be unbiased .
A progressive partner Alleima has developed specialist competence to address the challenge of documenting its carbon footprint at every production step , by appointing Nicole Holmgren as LCA specialist . She is currently in the process of analysing its product range and verifying data with support from IVL – the Swedish Environmental Research Institute . Alleima has chosen IVL as its verifying company , due to their high level of competence in this field . By conducting LCAs and highlighting low emissions , Alleima aims not only to meet the increasing demands of customers but
Marcus Hillbom : “ Verified LCA results can help manufacturers strengthen the relationship , transparency , and trust with their customers and broader stakeholders .”
also to position itself as a pioneer in the industry .
Advancing a sustainable journey Alleima will begin its LCA program by releasing LCA data for its rock drill steel products , supporting the sustainable shift in the mining industry . The next step will be to expand LCA studies to stainless steel bar . A third-party verified carbon footprint value will be added to the material certificate for each product – like the information the company already shares about recycled materials . Third-party verified carbon footprints and LCA results will provide measurable evidence of the company ’ s environmental performance and support transparency .
Engineering as a force for sustainable good If global environmental goals are to be met , the steel manufacturing industry must step up and do more to reduce greenhouse gas emissions . The development of LCAs can play an important role in supporting greater sustainability and future green initiatives in the industry . However , this is just the beginning of the journey .
Discuss LCA with Alleima on Stand C26 at the Stainless Steel World Conference & Expo in Maastricht from September 26-28 .
1 https :// joint-research-centre . ec . europa . eu / jrc-news-and-updates / eu-climate-targets-how-decarbonisesteel-industry-2022-06-15 _ en
50 Stainless Steel World September 2023 www . stainless-steel-world . net