Stainless Steel World Magazine September 2023 | Page 49

[ Life Cycle Assessment ]

[ Life Cycle Assessment ]

LCA – a necessity for the future of sustainable industry

Climate change is an existential threat to the world , causing environmental degradation . Rising carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) emissions are recognised as being at the heart of this threat .
By Marcus Hillbom , Business Development Manager , Alleima
The European Union ( EU ) acknowledges that the world is currently on a path toward reaching several environmental tipping points , and the current level of action is not enough to avert global warming . In 2015 , the United Nations established a legally binding climate change agreement - The Paris Agreement . It sets a framework to avert climate change by limiting global warming to 1.5 ° C above pre-industrial levels . The EU has committed to transitioning to a climate-neutral society by 2050 , and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55 % by 2030 , compared to 1990 carbon levels . The climate goals were written into law in 2021 . The EU says the steel industry is responsible for about 5 % of CO2 emissions in the region and 7 % globally ( 1 ) .
One of the key ways in which industries and individual businesses can support these climate goals is to reduce the levels of carbon they emit . Across the board , manufacturers need to review their emissions as a matter of urgency . Life Cycle Assessment ( LCA ) has become an increasingly important methodology in modern industry to quantify environmental impact and identify hotspots in a product ’ s life cycle . LCA studies can be used to cover all stages , from raw material extraction to when the product reaches the market . They can provide calculations of the many different types of environmental impacts in product manufacture , including carbon footprint . Alleima , a leading manufacturer of high value-added products in advanced stainless steels and special alloys as well as products for industrial heating , is currently implementing LCA methodology as a tool to measure and calculate the carbon footprint of its advanced materials and products . With thirdparty verified LCA data , Alleima will also support customers in reducing their environmental footprint . Verified LCAs will be a crucial factor for businesses in the future .
The story behind LCA LCA methodology is rooted in the global commitment to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change . The Paris Agreement , signed in 2015 by countries worldwide , sets targets for reducing carbon emissions and drives society to act in line with these
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