Stainless Steel World Magazine September 2023 | Page 31

[ End-User Interview ]

[ End-User Interview ]

FAST LNG : sprinting towards a greener future

Working on the FAST LNG project makes for a diverse and challenging experience . The project efficiently delivers processing units for offshore LNG and working your way through procurement challenges and limited material availability makes for an exciting task . Stainless Steel World spoke with Claire Dwyer , Lead Piping Material Engineer at Fluor , to learn more .
By Alexandra Kist , Stainless Steel World
Claire Dwyer ’ s career at Fluor started in Johannesburg , South Africa , when she started out as a Piping Designer in 1988 , during which she was still attending college . Later , she transferred to Houston , Texas , to work in the Piping Material Engineering group , after which she took on the role of Operations Supervisor , managing the same group . She has been recognized as a subject matter expert ( SME ) for valves . Claire became a Fluor Fellow in 2020 , in recognition of her specialty for developing and specifying piping material and valves . She currently holds the position of Lead Piping Material Engineer and focuses on the FAST LNG ( liquefied natural gas ) project . Her primary responsibilities include identifying correct valve usage , ensuring that piping systems meet the requirements of ASME ( American Society of Mechanical Engineers ) B31.3 and other applicable codes and standards , issuing requisitions , evaluating bids , and issuing purchase orders as part of the piping specification scope . She also assists younger engineers in their growth and development . Furthermore , she is Fluor ’ s representative at the API ( American Petroleum Institute ) Standard Refining Meetings .
FAST LNG Through the FAST LNG project , Fluor develops a marine-based natural gas liquefaction ( LNG ) and export facility . ‘ FAST ’ is not an acronym ; it merely stands for the focus on efficiently delivering concrete results . The project is an overarching name for a yet-to-be-determined number of
LNG plants that are being constructed at a high pace . Fluor has worked on different kinds of constructions , which are installed on floating , transportable marine structures that are fixed ( non-floating ) when operating . The current facility is three jack-up rigs ,
Claire Dwyer .
www . stainless-steel-world . net Stainless Steel World September 2023 31