Stainless Steel World Magazine March 2023 | Page 53

[ Industry Update ]

[ Industry Update ]

Expro secures contract with Eni LNG terminals converted to ammonia
Expro Group Holdings , has announced a long-term Production Solutions contract with Eni Congo , a subsidiary of multinational energy company Eni S . p . A . ( Eni ) for a liquified natural gas ( LNG ) pre-treatment facility in Congo . The 10-year contract is expected to generate more than USD 300M of revenue for Expro . Expro will design , construct , operate and maintain a fast-track onshore LNG pre-treatment facility ( OPT ), part of the Marine XII development offshore Congo . The facility will be built near to the Litchendjili gas plant which supplies gas to the adjacent Centrale Electrique du Congo ( CEC ) Pointe- Noire Power Plant and will enable the production of LNG to significantly increase from the West Africa area .
IHI has started looking into converting LNG receiving and storage terminals near many gas-fired power plants into ammonia-based facilities . Interest is increasing in ammonia as a carbon-neutral alternative to coal- and gas-fired power plants because its combustion emissions are free of carbon dioxide . IHI is thus developing technology to use ammonia to fuel boilers and gas turbines . Deploying carbon-neutral fuels entails constructing receiving and storage terminals . Converting LNG facilities should drive ammonia uptake by slashing costs and ensuring effective land usage . IHI has built a 250,000-kiloliter facility . It will leverage the technologies it has amassed in that work in developing new terminals , including storage tanks .
STALA500 : High-strength stainless steel
STALA500 is an austenitic strength class which has high strength and elongation properties as well as excellent fire resistance . By utilising the mechanical properties of STALA500 , potential weight-savings can be achieved in load-bearing structures . Weight reduction enables lower initial costs and is a more sustainable choice by reducing the amount of material needed in the application . The overall environmental benefits can be significant due to lower energy consumption during manufacturing , assembly , and transportation . STALA500 class is suitable for general machine building , transport , and construction applications . The benefits are high strength , high elongation properties , yield strength twice the level of EN 1.4301 , excellent fire resistance , sustainability , fabrication with the same welding wires and gases as the traditional austenitic grades .
www . stainless-steel-world . net Stainless Steel World March 2023 53