Stainless Steel World Magazine June 2023 | Page 7

[ Special Focus ]

[ Special Focus ]

QatarEnergy signs partnership agreement with Sinopec
Linde and Heidelberg carbon capture project
QatarEnergy has announced the signing of a definitive partnership agreement with China Petrochemical Corporation ( Sinopec ) for the North Field East ( NFE ) expansion project . Pursuant to the terms of the agreement , QatarEnergy will transfer to Sinopec a 5 % interest in the equivalent of one NFE train with a capacity of 8 million tons per annum ( MTPA ). This agreement will not affect the participating interests of any of the other shareholders . This agreement is the first of its kind after last year ’ s series of partnership announcements in the EUR 26.3bn NFE project , which will raise Qatar ’ s LNG export capacity from the current 77 MTPA to 110 MTPA .
Heidelberg Materials and Linde have established a joint venture under the name ‘ Capture-to-Use ’ ( CAP2U ) to build and operate a carbon dioxide capture and liquefaction plant . The carbon capture and utilisation ( CCU ) facility in the cement industry is scheduled to start operations in 2025 at Heidelberg Materials ’ Lengfurt plant in Germany . The facility will enable the captured CO 2 from cement production to be reused as a valuable raw material in manufacturing applications . The planned volume of purified and liquefied CO 2 is around
70,000 tonnes per year . The plant is being designed and built by Linde Engineering . Based on an amine scrubbing system specially developed for flue gases , the carbon dioxide will be separated directly from part of the exhaust gas stream from the cement clinker kiln .
DBJ & ClassNK supports Fairfield Chemical ’ s LNG tanker
Eni inaugurates Congo LNG project
Development Bank of Japan and ClassNK are backing the construction of Fairfield Chemical ’ s first LNG-powered tanker at Fukuoka Shipbuilding . Under the programme , ClassNK evaluates ships based on a scoring model jointly developed with DBJ from the perspective of “ decarbonisation , environmentally friendly performance , and innovativeness ,” and DBJ provides investment and financing . According to ClassNK , the ship was given with ‘ A ’ rating , recognising that adequate environment-related investments have been made . Fukuoka Shipbuilding and Fairfield Japan , a unit of Connecticut-based Fairfield Chemical Carriers firm , jointly developed the tanker that will go on charter to Fairfield Japan . Fairfield Chemical should take delivery of the first vessel in this batch by the end of this year and the last tanker in 2025 .
The President of the Republic of the Congo and Eni CEO Claudio Descalzi laid the foundation stone of Congo LNG , the country ’ s first natural gas liquefaction project and one of Eni ’ s core supply diversification initiatives . The project is expected to reach an overall LNG production capacity of 3 million tons per year ( approximately 4.5 billion cubic meters / year ) from 2025 onwards . Congo LNG will exploit the huge gas resources of Marine XII , fulfilling the country ’ s power generation needs while also fuelling LNG exports , supplying new volumes of gas to international markets focusing on Europe . The project will see the installation of two floating natural gas liquefaction plants ( FLNG ) at the Nenè and Litchendjili fields already in production and at the fields yet to be developed . The first FLNG plant will begin production in 2023 . The second FLNG plant already under construction will become operative in 2025 with a capacity of 2.4 MTPA .
www . stainless-steel-world . net Stainless Steel World June 2023 7