Stainless Steel World Magazine June 2023 | Page 64

[ Industry Update ]

[ Industry Update ]

Jacobs to design maintenance systems for ITER
of the materials needed for operational necessities like steel , fertiliser and hydrogen fuel . Under the MoU , Fluor will leverage its global experience in developing and constructing complex , large-scale facilities to provide preliminary design and engineering to support the development of Longview ’ s fusion-powered plant . Following Longview ’ s accelerated plans to complete design and engineering , this revolutionary energy source will play a significant role in meeting the world ’ s growing need for clean energy .
JFE installs an electric-arc furnace at Chiba facility
Jacobs was selected to design and engineer remotely-operated tools for ITER . A four-year framework with a possible two-year extension , the contract covers work on up to 25 diagnostic ports and systems that are critical for operating and sustaining the ITER experimental machine now being built in Provence , France . The project will capitalise on extensive remote-handling experience and knowledge of the diagnostics and port cell areas gained from previous work . ITER aims to create the conditions for a self-sustaining fusion reaction , which is a crucial stepping stone toward developing fusion power stations and creating a new source of emissionfree , almost unlimited energy for the world . With approximately USD 15bn in annual revenue and a talent force of more than 60,000 , Jacobs provides a full spectrum of professional services including consulting , technical , scientific and project delivery for the government and private sector .
Fluor signs MoU with Longview Fusion Energy Systems
JFE Steel will install a new electric-arc furnace at the No . 4 steelmaking shop of its Chiba District facility , which will enable the production of stainless steel using relatively large amounts of scrap to reduce CO2 emissions . The electric-arc furnace will be installed at a cost of about EUR 102M and is expected to be commissioned in H2 of the fiscal year starting in April 2025 . The shop currently manufactures stainless steel through a process that uses feedstocks consisting mainly of molten iron from blast furnaces , self-generated scrap , chromium ore and chromium-containing dust . The new electric-arc furnace will allow the facility to increase its use of scrap up to approximately sixfold ( about 300,000 tons per year ), in place of molten iron , to reduce CO2 emissions by a maximum of about 450,000 tons per year .
Fluor Corporation has signed a memorandum of understanding ( MoU ) with Longview Fusion Energy Systems , Inc . to serve as its engineering and construction partner in designing and planning laser fusion energy for the global energy market . At full capacity , Longview ’ s laser fusion power plants ( 1,000 – 1,600MW ) are slated to provide carbon-free , safe , economical and sustainable energy that can power the needs of a small city or provide process heat or power to drive industrial production
6K Additive to supply Ni718 powder to CAI
6K Additive has announced a long-term agreement ( LTA ) with Cumberland Additive for the supply of its Ni718 metal additive manufacturing powder . The LTA also covers an expansion to supply an additional volume of nickel powder and additional alloys to Cumberland Additive ' s ' rapidly expanding production requirements .' Cumberland Additive is a manufacturer of serial production parts for strategic applications in aerospace , defence and energy , while 6K Additive is bringing to market materials that are developed with its UniMelt plasma system .
64 Stainless Steel World June 2023 www . stainless-steel-world . net