Stainless Steel World Magazine June 2023 | Page 41

[ Duplex ]

[ Duplex ]

The new tram line will be approximately 5 km long and will connect to the pre-existing tram line network .

High-strength lean duplex for tram shelters

Like many other large cities , the City of Barcelona encourages its residents to use public transport to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution from private car use . It ’ s investing in a new tram line along one of the city ’ s busiest streets , Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes , also known as Gran Via .
Text & images from Stalatube
While the project experienced delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic , it is now well underway . When completed , the new tram line will be approximately 5 km long and will connect to the preexisting tram line network . The project is divided into two phases , with the first section of about two kilometres scheduled to be completed by next spring . There will be 22 tram shelters along the first route , which will largely be built from Finnish stainless steel .
Maintenance-free stainless Stainless steel is a maintenance-free material that , after installation , does not require any maintenance , painting , or other chemical treatment to maintain its corrosion resistance . Moreover , stainless steel is a visually striking material . The design / engineering office chosen by the City of Barcelona aimed to find a material for the shelters that would not rust and would withstand the challenges posed by the maritime climate . The designer ’ s initial idea was to use grade 316 austenitic stainless steel in the project . Khaoula Loukili , Sales Manager at Thyssenkrup Materials Ibérica , has years of experience working with stainless steel grades . When considering the best possible option for the project in question with her own customer , Khaoula , encouraged by Stalatube Oy ’ s
Export Manager Heidi Simberg , ended up suggesting Stalatube ’ s high-strength LDX 1.4162 Lean Duplex instead of the 316 austenitic steel mentioned in the invitation for tenders .
Strong , corrosion-resistant , and environmentally friendly Stalatube ’ s high-strength steel tubes guarantee that the rectangular hollow sections used in the shelters are , first and foremost , strong and corrosionresistant . Being a seaside city , the air in Barcelona has a high salt content , which sets high requirements for the choice of steel grade . As stainless steel is 100 % recyclable , it is also the most environmentally friendly
www . stainless-steel-world . net Stainless Steel World June 2023 41