Stainless Steel World Magazine June 2023 | Page 40

[ Green Ammonia ]

[ Green Ammonia ]

global energy-related CO 2 emissions . It can also play a vital role as a more sustainable fertiliser . Today , ammonia is used as fertiliser globally and comes from fossil-based production , accounting for around 1 % of global CO 2 emissions . Topsoe has developed process technologies and catalysts for producing green ammonia from renewable sources – wind , water , and air ( Figure 1 ). Efficiently integrating green ammonia into existing hydrocarbon-based facilities without jeopardising plant reliability and yield is not only possible but also lucrative . Ammonia producers can revamp their existing ammonia plants into hybrid plants using Topsoe ’ s patented solution where implementation of water electrolysis
Figure 1 . Hybrid ammonia plant concept
can produce up to 10 % green ammonia with minimal changes to the existing plant . And when the market demand for green ammonia increases , any existing ammonia
plant can be further revamped above 10 % green production . With its patented green ammonia solutions , established fertiliser producers can tap into the new green ammonia market and maintain current production capacity while adding green ammonia to the mix .
A visualisation of the green ammonia plant . Image courtesy of Topsoe
Stainless steel in ammonia production
Ammonia production is considered only moderately corrosive , so a lot of carbon and low-alloy steels are used for vessels and piping . However , numerous applications are found for 300 and 400 series stainless steels because of their superior performance under a wide variety of process conditions , not only for original fabrication but also for replacement equipment and piping . For example , stainless steels are used in :
Catalytic steam reforming because of its resisance to oxidation , carburisation and nitriding at elevated temperatures ,
CO 2 removal systems where piping and vessels are subjected to hot , aqueous solutions containing carbon dioxide at moderate to high velocity ,
Ammonia synthesis for superior performance in hot nitriding gases , resistance to hydrogen embrittlement and hydrogen attack , and excellent toughness at low temperatures ,
Centrifugal turbomachinery where rotating and stationary components are subjected to erosion by high-velocity steam and corrosion by ammonium carbamate , CO and CO 2 ,
Coolers and condensers for resistance to corrosion and fouling by natural waters . Source : ‘ Stainless Steels in Ammonia Production ’, Committee of Stainless Stee Producers , American Iron & Steel Institute .
First-of-its-kind plant Kim Grøn Knudsen , Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer at Topsoe stated : “ We are very excited to begin this next chapter going from maturing the project to actually begin construction of this cutting-edge green ammonia plant . The plant will serve as a prime example of how we can replace fossil-based fuels and fertiliser by carbon-neutral alternatives via electrolysis .” Pat A Han , Technical Director , Skovgaard Energy added : “ Northwest Jutland holds an immense potential for the technologies that we aspire to demonstrate in the project ... We are happy to start construction of our first Power-to-X plant and to celebrate this event with our project partners . We believe there will be a lot for us to learn in operating this green ammonia plant , that will help us in the preparation of upscaled Power-to-X projects .” Ole Kiil Nielsen , Head of Power-to-X Solutions at Vestas also added : “ As pioneers of renewable energy , Vestas is committed to expand its potential , also beyond the power sector . Vestas is uniquely positioned together with our partners to integrate and optimise renewable energy with other technologies to develop Power-to-X cost-effectively and at scale . This project displays how it can be done and builds critical experience for the partners . Vestas is firmly committed to lead development of this fast-evolving industry .”
40 Stainless Steel World June 2023 www . stainless-steel-world . net