Stainless Steel World Magazine December 2024 | Page 18

[ Lng ]

[ Lng ]

is especially vulnerable to energy shortages . It has therefore wasted no time in building new capacity . Projects include : Brunsbüttel FSRU ( also known as Elbehafen LNG .) started regular commercial operations in May 2023 . The FSRU will be replaced by an onshore terminal , scheduled to start operations in 2026 . Mukran FSRU ( also known as Mukran LNG Terminal , Rügen LNG Terminal and Energy Terminal Mukran ) is located off the port of Mukran on Rügen Island . It went into operation in September 2024 , despite opposition from local groups . It consists of two FSRUs . Wilhelmshaven 2 . In the second half of 2024 , the “ Excelerate Excelsior ” will become Deutsche Energie Terminal ’ s second FSRU-based LNG terminal in Wilhelmshaven to start operating . Hanseatic Energy Hub ( HEH ) started construction in Stade , Lower Saxony , in June 2024 . The plant is to be converted from LNG to ammonia as a hydrogen-based energy source by the end of 2043 . In Greece , commercial operations of Gastrade ’ s Alexandroupolis LNG terminal began on 1 October . In Italy , the Punta Marina floating terminal is due to become operational off Ravenna in 2025 .
Materials LNG is a cryogenic environment that requires ductile and crack-resistant materials , ones moreover that can be easily welded without causing defects such as brittle fracture . This necessitates the use of stainless steel , 6-9 % nickel steels , nickel alloys or aluminium , depending on the application . LNG boils at -162 ° C . For gases with temperatures between -104 ° C and -196 ° C , 9 % Ni steel is standard , but since 2013 the less costly 7 % Ni steel is now recognised as having the same tensile and impact properties as 9 % and has been applied on LNG land storage tanks since 2017 . 7 % Ni steel has been included in the JIS standards with the grade SL7N590 , as well as in the ASTM standards with the grade SA553 Type III . For marine storage tanks , materials specified include 9 % Ni steel , austenitic stainless steel , aluminum alloy , 36 % Ni steel ( Invar ) and high manganese austenitic steel . The possibility of applying 7 % Ni steel in marine storage tanks is also being studied . For piping , 36 % Ni is preferred because of its low coefficient of expansion . This is the material applied in the primary membrane of the widely used membrane system of marine storage developed by Gaz Transport and S . N . Technigaz ( GTT ); alternatively , waffled 304L stainless steel is used . The Moss Rosenberg system of spherical tanks are made of aluminium alloys . In June 2024 GTT announced that its NEXT1 LNG cargo system had been
An LNG plant . Photo : Saipem .
approved . In this system , the secondary barrier is made of 36 % Ni , and the design of the first barrier is based on the existing corrugated stainless steel concept similar to that of GTT ’ s Mark technologies . Recently Xingtong Shipping applied duplex 2205 sheets on LNG tanks on three small LNG carriers , an XT 59 with a capacity of 9,050 cu m , an XT EXPLORATION with a capacity of 15,200 cu m , and an XT 17 with a capacity of 4,300 cu m .
Groundbreaking of the Stade LNG regasification terminal . Photo : Hanseatic Energy Hub .
1 . https :// www . shell . com / what-wedo / oil-and-natural-gas / liquefiednatural-gas-lng / lng-outlook-2024 . html
2 . https :// ieefa . org / articles / ieefatidal-wave-new-lng-supply-floodmarket-amid-demand-uncertainty
3 . https :// edition . cnn . com / 2024 / 03 / 20 / climate / natural-gas-export-vaporcloud-explosion / index . html
4 . https :// scijournals . onlinelibrary . wiley . com / doi / 10.1002 / ese3.1934
5 . https :// www . transportenvironment . org / topics / ships / lng https :// www . transportenvironment . org / articles / methane-escapingfrom-green-gas-powered-shipsfuelling-climate-crisis-investigation https :// theicct . org / pr-real-worldmethane-emissions-from-lngfueled-ships-are-higher-thancurrent-regulations-assume-newstudy-finds-jan24 /
18 Stainless Steel World December 2024 www . stainless-steel-world . net