Notes from the Editor
Shaun Rogers
Welcome back to our 2014 digital Staffordshire Surge Magazine that will accompany our
2014 home game’s.
Today we start our season off with a tough game vs Chester Romans a team who last year
won the division and went on to the Playoffs so a great team for us to test our new team.
The season ended last August but for the Committee that was when the 2014 year started.
The progression of trying to recruit new Rookie players to come in and join our team
started the moment the final whistle went at Shropshire. Also over the off season we have
had many a change to the Surge committee with myself been privileged enough to earn a
spot on the committee as the clubs Director of media & communications a role in which I
hope I have shown that the team means a lot to me.
In November we held our first of 4 Rookie Try out session not knowing if we would have 10
players or 40 players we had over the course of the 4 sessions 60+ new players come along
and show an interest in both the sport and the club which was great for us to see that the
sport in the UK does have such a good following.
We have also changed where we train and we have now been able this year to train on a
new 3G surface at St Peters Academy in Fenton, which has meant that the players have
been able to train even in the poor conditions that the UK has been hit with this year.
We have also added to our 2014 coaching staff with the full additions of ex player Mark
Finney and Defensive coach Jason Smith, who have joined our already great back room
coaching staff.
These are just some snippets of what has happened over the coming weeks we will discuss
more of where the Surge is trying to go in 2014.
So for now I hope you enjoy today’s game and lets hope we get all players safe off the
pitch at the end of the game for both teams.