Stabilis March 2018 Stabilis Maart 2018 | Page 2

korTNuus 2 Van Rand en sent na padkos en tent Na 25 jaar van pligsgetroue swoeg en sweet agter ’n tafel vol finansiële state, versoeke vir betalings of geld en tande kners vir onredelike vereistes, het me Annalie Cronjé uiteindelik die punt bereik waar haar beplande aftrede nou ’n realiteit word. Me Cronjé het jare gelede al besluit dat sy op 60-jarige ouderdom sal aftree terwyl sy en haar reeds-afgetrede man nog jonk en gesond genoeg is om te reis en die lewe saam te geniet. Hulle is ywerige kampeerders en beplan om goeie diens uit hul karavaan en tent te kry. Stabilis het vir me Cronjé gevra wat sy veral van haar jare by Grey sal mis. Sy het onmiddellik geantwoord dat die mense by Grey die belangrikste komponent van haar verlange sal wees; spesifiek al die gereelde besoekers by haar in die kantoor. Baie personeellede het kom gesels, kom kla, kom vra en diep dele van hul persoonlike lewens met haar gedeel. Daardie vertroue wat in haar gestel is, sal altyd vir haar ’n kosbare herinnering bly. Me Cronjé het vele mense sien kom en gaan – want niemand hou skool by Grey sonder om haar dienste nodig te kry nie. Sy sê dit is ook ’n vreemde waarheid dat heelwat onderwysers wat uiteindelik nie by die skool aard nie, onmiddellik aan hulle gesprekke geïdentifiseer kan word. Hierdie opregte vrou het ’n warmte en omgee-geaardheid wat veral deur personeellede gemis sal word. Maar me Cronjé verdien die nuwe fase van rus en ontspanning en ons wens haar alles van die beste toe. - CHAD JONGBLOED [Nuus] STABILIS Grey Kollege Sekondêr Maart 2018 sTaBILIS S New addition to Afrikaans department Ms Meyer experiences a sense of homecoming at Grey Ms Cornelia Meyer and her class on the grass, enjoying the great outdoors. Grey has a rich harvest of new educators this year. Another addition to the staff is ms Cornelia Meyer, who joined the staff from Olien Hoërskool in Fauresmith. Ms Meyer, who holds an honours degree in psychology, chose teaching over psychology because of her passion and love for children and her drive to make them do better. She studied at Tuks, Pukke and at Kovsies where she completed her B Ed Hons. Ms Meyer is married to a farmer and they are parents to three children – two sons and a daughter. Teaching is, obviously, also a combination of using psychology Photo: Eric Diswane to instil the required level in academics. Ms Meyer teaches Afrikaans Home Language as well as Afrikaans First Additional Language. The systems that are in place at school work well and she adores the respect she gets from the boys when they stand to speak in class, continually greet her and always offer assistance when needed, she added. Her love for Grey grows by the day; when asked what she thought about the school thus far she said, ‘I love it! Everything works so well. Coming from a school in the platteland, this impresses me.’ - RELE TSOAI Mr Casling is a bundle of passion and energy Athletics: Will it be day or night? This year we welcome mr Voughan Casling into the Grey family. Mr Casling attended Grey High School (Grey PE) and graduated from Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) with a Bachelor of Education degree (B.Ed.), specia- lising in Mathematical Literacy and Biology. He previously taught at Aeroville Secondary School, in the Eastern Cape, for the duration of 2017 and says without doubt, that Grey College is the better of the two schools. He currently teaches Mathe- matical Literacy for grade 10s and 11s as well as Life Orientation for the grade 8s. He also coaches rugby for the under 16s as well as the under 16s sevens rugby team. Mr. Casling’s passion for teaching was a fate he could not escape; he says, “Teaching found me! My dad was a teacher and he taught for over 36 years. I drew inspiration from the Matric boys welcome mr Casling. difference my father made in the community.” - BENSON WU Photo: Eric Diswane The variable in recent years is the time of the athletics meet. This year was the first time in three years that the meet was held in its normal time slot of the morning instead of in the evening. The overall consen- sus was that the students prefer the meet in the morning, for a number of reasons. Firstly, the athletes believe they won’t be as worn out as they would in the evening. Riaan Brits said, “The heat isn’t a problem. We practise every afternoon in the heat so it’s not really a factor. I would be more scared of running in the evening because the chance of my muscles getting cold sooner is high- er, which could lead to an injury.” Many prefer the day because they believe it brings a better vibe and more pupils attended it during the day. The evening meet brings its own problems, like getting trans- port to and from the stadium, the changing of time for the hostels to get food and learners not getting time to do homework for the follow- ing day. Mr Van Wyk said, “I prefer it in the day, because that’s when all the records were set many years ago. To give students a fair opportunity to break these records they should run in the same time slots.” He also said that he prefers the day because more students attend the event, as seen this year, with city ranking many more points than previous years. In conclusion Mr Van Wyk said,” It is clear that more records and better times were run this year compared to the previous two.” - TRAVIS JANBROERS Mnr Doubell is gou gemaklik in sy posisie as onderwyser en sportafrigter by skool Mnr Doubell is een van die nuwe leerkragte wat hierdie jaar aan Grey Kollege verwelkom word. Hy onderrig graad 8 en 9 EBW, graad 10 en 11 Besigheidstudies, asook graad 10 Rekeningkunde. Mnr Doubell het aan die Hoërskool Sand du Plessis gematrikuleer. Hy was egter nie altyd van plan om ‘n loopbaan in onderwys te volg nie. ”Ek het deur my hele skoolloopbaan nie geweet wat ek wou doen nie. Ek het eers in die jaar na matriek besluit om onderwys te studeer.“ Mnr Doubell sê verder dat sy pa, voormalige hoof van Hoërskool Sand du Plessis, ‘n sleutelrol in sy loopbaankeuse gespeel het; “Ek het verskriklik baie van hom geleer, veral hoe om met kollegas te werk.” Voordat hy die skuif gemaak het, het hy by die Hoërskool Staatspresident Swart in Brandfort skoolgehou. Mnr Doubell het Grey Kollege toe gekom omdat hy nog altyd by een van die elite skole in Suid- Afrika wou werk. ”Grey is die beste skool in Afrika, so jy kry nie beter as dit nie!“ Hy meen ook dat die gees by die skool uitstekend is. Hy sê dat die seuns goeie maniere het en hulle het hom vinnig tuis laat voel. Die personeel is altyd behulpsaam as hy oor iets onseker is. Hy sê dat die sport is op ‘n vlak wat hy nog nooit beleef het nie. “Ek rig die o/19D krieket en die o/14C en D rugbyspanne af en die talent in daardie spanne is asemrowend.“ Daar is aan hom gevra om sy mening ten opsigte van die eerste kwartaal se verrigtinge te gee, waarna hy gesê het dat alles baie goed georganiseerd is, alles word op groot skaal gedoen en dit het die vermoë om die hele skool as ‘n eenheid saam te snoer. Hy meen verder dat niks behalwe die beste by Grey goed genoeg is nie en dit skep ‘n atmosfeer waar leerders, sowel as personeel ten volle kan ontwikkel. - NICOLAAS WIPPLINGER