St. Thomas More Catholic Church Weekly Bulletin 2014-04-13 Palm Sunday | Page 11
Sunday, April 13 - Palm Sunday
1:00pm Stations of the Cross Rehearsal - Church
2:00pm Dogmatic Theology Series - Spirit Center (Sr.Judy 923-1691)
8:00pm N.A. Meeting - Spirit Center
8:00pm Nar-Anon Meeting - Spirit Center
Fr. Michal Szyszka
Parochial Vicar
Sr. Judy Baldino
Pastoral Associate
Rev. Bob Gaitens
Alex Dilan
Organist &
Music Director
Mary Bonacci
Tom Lelyo
Youth Ministry
Mimi Fitzgerald
Health Ministry
Jim Selinski
Director of Operations &
Executive Assistant
Henk Jansen
Parish Accountant
Mary Maxwell
Parish Secretary
Susan Jacobs
Front Office
Joanne Tarara
Chelsea Coordinator
Paul Urban
Grounds /Maintenance
Ramon Alvero
Maintenance /Set up
Fr. Don Henry
Tuesday, April 15
7:30am Pray the Rosary - Church (Dody Martin 921-7830)
12:00pm Eucharistic Adoration - Chapel (Tom Lelyo 404-8604)
3:30pm Handbell Ensemble Practice - Church (Alex Dilan 923-1691)
5:00pm Knights of Columbus - Spirit Center
(Bob Haas [email protected] or 922-2536)
7:00pm Contemporary Choir - Church (Alex Dilan 923-1691)
Wednesday, April 16
7:30am Pray the Rosary - Church (Dody Martin 921-7830)
9:30am Mothers’ Circle (Tom & Natalie Lelyo 404-8604)
1:30pm Prayer Shawl Ministry - Chelsea Center
6:00pm Youth Group - Spirit Center (Tom Lelyo 404-8604)
6:00pm AA - Lancaster Room, Chelsea Center
6:30pm Micah’s Men - Chelsea Center (Roger Grenier 993-2908)
7:00pm Traditional Choir - Chapel (Alex Dilan 923-1691)
Thursday, April 17
7:30am Pray the Rosary - Church (Dody Martin 921-7830)
9:30am Crafty Ladies - Spirit Center (Mary Hautanen 922-8892)
9:30am Quilters of St. Thomas More - Spirit Center
(Bonnie Lagner 921-1261)
6:00pm Girl Scouts - Chelsea Center (Rosanne Catalano 925-3632;
[email protected])
6:30pm Contemplative Prayer - Spirit Center
(Nancy Fertig 922-4891)
Friday, April 18
7:30am Pray the Rosary - Church (Dody Martin 921-7830)
1:00pm Cards and Mah Jongg - Chelsea Center
6:00pm Good Friday Fish Dinner - Chelsea Center
(Bill Cantrell 924-0692)
6:00pm AA - Spirit Center
8:00pm Dramatic Stations of the Cross -Church
(Tom Lelyo 404-8604)
Monday, April 14
7:30am Pray the Rosary - Church (Dody Martin 921-7830)
9:30am Quilters of St. Thomas More - Spirit Center
(Bonnie Lagner 921-1261)
1:00pm St. Vincent dePaul Society - Chelsea Center
2:00pm Spirit of Love Prayer Group - Chapel (Alice Lavitt 927-2647)
2:30pm Concert Committee - Chelsea Center
5:30pm AA - Garden Room
6:00pm Cub/Boy Scouts - Spirit Center (Michelle Dunn 806-8133;
Javier Aristimuño 232-8073)
6:00pm Mingle More Singles - Chelsea Center
(Chalise Bourque [email protected])
6:30pm The Men of St. Thomas More Board Elections
Chelsea Center (Bill Cantrell 924-0692)
7:00pm Al-Anon - Garden Room
Saturday, April 19
7:30am Pray the Rosary - Church (Dody Martin 921-7830)
8:30am Secular Franciscans - Spirit Center (Gracia Garrido 922-3656)
10:00am Easter Egg Hunt - Spirit & Chelsea Center Grounds
12:00pm Blessing of Easter Baskets - Chapel
Sunday, April 20 - Easter Sunday
8:00pm N.A. Meeting - Spirit Center
8:00pm Nar-Anon Meeting - Spirit Center