This year's Chrism Mass will be held on Saturday 8th April at 11 am in St
Mary's Cathedral, 300 Great Western Road, Glasgow G4 9JB.
The Commissary Bishop John Armes will preside at the Chrism Mass and
offer an Address.
At this liturgy, the ordained have the opportunity to reaffirm their ordination
vows and with all who come to celebrate the healing and nurturing vocation
of the whole Christian community.
Lay Readers, Lay Reps and members of congregations are encouraged and
welcome to attend as part of our Diocesan preparations for Holy Week and
Three oils are consecrated.
They are the oil of catechumens which can be used with those preparing for
baptism (a liturgy is available for this), the oil of the sick for anointing those
who seek healing and wholeness and at the time of death, and the oil of
chrism for post-baptismal anointing, confirmation, the ordination of priests and
bishops, and the consecration of churches and altars.
The three oils are basically olive oil, but to the chrism is added balsam or oil
of flowers which perfumes the oil.
One early church writer described the perfume of chrism as “the Easter aroma,
God’s grace incarnate through the sense of smell!”
In this special liturgy, we celebrate and are drawn into Christ’s action to
strengthen and protect, to heal and restore, and to set apart and seal for
The Chrism Mass serves to open up these realities to all of us in the
community of faith and to encourage those of us who are ordained to realise
anew the wonder of our stewardship of these holy mysteries for God’s
people and God’s world.
I hope those from the south of the Diocese will understand that this year,
only one venue can be organised.
All Blessings for the Lenten journey.
Ian Barcroft
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