Magazine Renewal Subscription
Remember! Remember! The magazine can only be informative and
interesting if everyone makes a contribution. So please provide the editor
with a story, a memory, a book review, favourite place to visit etc to fill the
pages of our “small but beautifully formed magazine”.
(Deadline Sunday 12 March 2017).
Annual subscription to the magazine - £7 for 10 copies.
If you subscribe to Inspires please pay for this also.
Cheque should be made payable to: St Oswald’s Episcopal Church.
Provide your email address and get access to an on-line copy of the
magazine (and back numbers).
Brigitte & Morag
Bras for ALL
Surveys report that most of us girls have 10+ bras in
our drawer but only wear our favourite 3 or 4!!
A charity based in Livingston has been collecting
unwanted underwear and sending them to Africa to
help some of the Continent’s poorest
Not only is it a health and hygiene
problem, underwear is seen as a status symbol and offers a
degree of security from sexual assault.
The charity accepts new knickers of ALL sizes and New or
GENTLY worn bras.
Any donations can be handed into the church over the next few weeks and
the Vestry will ensure they are delivered to Kings Park Parish Church who
will take them through to Livingston at the beginning of April.
Many Thanks,
Dot Tracy.
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