St Oswald's Magazine StOM 1607 | Page 14

Richness , colour and not a little personal prejudice June 1 2016
StOM Page 14
Bishop ’ s Lecture
Bishop Gregor Duncan promises some highly personal views in June when he presents his annual lecture on the relevance of our Episcopalian liturgy to the people around us .
Can it introduce them to the living God ? What about its language , its ceremony , its symbolism ; does it connect or does it alienate ; does it express a relationship with God or is it an anachronism ?
The event takes place on 27th June , 2016 , at Holy Trinity & St Barnabas , Mirren House , Back Sneddon Street , Paisley PA3 2AF .
On August the 28 the regular church service will be shifted to 3 pm because + Gregor will be coming along to the St Oswald ’ s church family and will celebrate the confirmations of Linda Allen , Linda and Lucy Hardie . Please keep them all in your prayers as they prepare to make this commitment to the Scottish Episcopal church and to Christ Jesus .
Birthday celebrations
Also on the 28th after the service and confirmations there will be birthday cake and sandwiches . We have a wonderful woman in the family who will be 90 and we can help celebrate with her and her family . WHO ? Our precious Jean of course .
And there is more !
This day is also my 1st anniversary of licenced ministry at St Oswald ’ s . The honeymoon is officially over and you can at last tell me what you really think hahahahahaha , but seriously , you know you can tell me anything , ask me anything and challenge and praise me at any time .
Children ’ s trip to Troon
St Ninian ’ s Troon have kindly offered us the use of the church hall on Saturday the 2nd of July . We have hired a minibus and the children plus excited children ’ s ministers will be taking buckets spades , pieces n jam , crisps and other fine food � to the SEASIDE Please keep us all in prayer .