St Oswald's Magazine StOM 1512 | Page 13

What’s ON @ St Oswald’s Monday 1000-1200 SEQUENCE DANCE H Warnock 01355 265233 1830-2030 TAE KWAN DO P Coyle 0774 778 9855 1900-2100 (Last/month) Kings Park Community Council Tuesday 0930, 1730 & 1930 Slimming World C Ellis 0773 353 8448 Wednesday 1930-2130 St Oswald’s Vestry (First/month) 1900-2200 SEQUENCE DANCE Thursday 1000-1200 SEQUENCE DANCE 1830-2030 TAE KWAN DO Friday 1900-2000 AA Contact James or Helpline 08475 697 555 2000-2200 Sequence Dance Contact: J Barr (01698-853652) Give! If we would take just half the measure Of what we spend on Christmas pleasure To give to others who have less, Our love for Jesus we’d express. What we spend on Christmas stuff (It's really way more than enough) To others can mean so much more Than trifles we often use it for. The Bible tells us how to live; A frequent lesson we read is "give." It’s time to spread uncommon cheer; Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. By Joanna Fuchs StOM Page 13