St Margaret's News May 2016 | Page 5

Church is a Verb During a morning worship service recently, Rev. Chris Lockley quoted “Church is a verb” by Godfrey West. For those who missed it, and those who might like to revisit it, here it is: Church mice, church music and church history all try to tell us it’s an adjective. Others have chiselled or boxed it into a noun— a building or a social club. It’s a highly irregular verb and won’t do what it’s told. It turns up anywhere with the most unlikely subjects. It can be said in any language or in none. But don’t be fooled: church is a verb. It’s something that we do. It won’t work in the singular. I can’t church, you can’t church he, she and it can’t church. It only takes the plural: even God can’t church alone. We church (and they can do it too, whatever we may think of what they do). We can’t easily go to look at church. We only find the evidence that church has happened somewhere. Something broken has been mended. Someone is alive. Two are at one. More is here now than there was before. It works best in the present tense and not with a prefix like un- or re-. Don’t say Let's church again, like we did last summer. It happens now, not then. In one case only, this verb is transitive: God churches us and also churches through us. When we ask Christ to be among us or make him known to someone it’s then that we are churching. It’s not a complicated verb. It comes in simple sentences How are you? and Can I help? and Let us pray. There will come a time for church to get dressed up ready for its marriage, ready to settle down and become a noun, It’s often passive, and just sits and listens. but until then church is the living Word spoken in verbs. St Margaret’s News 5 May 2016