The Inner North
something unique and different and something that is worthy of our ef-
A Hope-filled People
We believe light overcomes darkness: love over hate; life is stronger
than death, hope is greater than despair. We will live and act as people
of such belief, always looking for that which speaks of faith, hope and
love in any and all people, circumstances and situations.
Building on our Strengths
We celebrate the ongoing work of the Spirit of God within and among
us. We believe that we already have all that is needed to share in the
mission of God in our day and time. We celebrate the many seen and
unseen strengths among us, and we appreciate any help in identifying
and empowering all our strengths.
Absolute importance of existing community services!!
Old and New Wineskins
We believe everyone has a place in who we are and what we are be-
coming. We will always seek to care for those who have been part of
our congregations for many years, those who are newer and those yet
to connect.
In all we do we will seek to be wise and discerning, remembering to
‘pour new wine into new wineskins, and both [the old and the new] are
A Regional Mindset
A focus on what we as the Uniting Church can do in this region, not just
what each congregation might achieve!
Though we are made up of several congregations, all with different his-
tories and people, we celebrate that we have more in common than we
do different.
We acknowledge that our greater, more sustainable strengths lie within
our co-operation and connections with one another and the wider com-
Good decisions are made within a context of strong relationships,
shared learnings, shared experience, trust, adequate time, and with a
built in review!’
St Margaret’s News
December 2018