St Margaret's News December 2018 | Page 13

The Inner North many more strengths than those listed above, but Steve’s job was not to do an exhaustive stocktake of the strengths we have, but to sketch some of the strengths we have which are particularly relevant for us in meeting our challenges). How do the challenges faced by the suburban churches fit with the changes that are occurring in the Inner North? Steve and Briony Griffiths and Geoff Wellington gathered together some remarkable data from the ACT Government planners about the ex- pected changes in the Inner North. Over the next 25 years the ACT government is expecting that the popu- lation of Canberra will grow from 400,000 in 2016 to 575,000 in 2041- a growth of 45%. It is expected that the Inner North will grow in this period from 54,000 to 79,000 people, also a growth of 45%, and the number of dwellings will grow from about 21,000 to about 33,000 - a growth of 52%. So, there will be substantial growth in the Inner North, but the most re- markable number in the ACT Government planning documents is the potential growth in that part of the Inner North which is clustered around the tram and is called the Inner North Corridor. The ACT Government argues that the number of dwellings in this corridor could increase from 17,000 dwellings to 54,000 dwellings – an increase of 37,000 dwellings. This increase could consist of 11,000 additional dwellings under exist- ing planning controls, 4,000 additional dwellings from height increases to existing planning standards, 8,000 additional dwellings from an ex- pansion of the City into West Basin, 6,000 additional dwellings from ex- pansion on government sites and 8,000 additional dwellings from ex- pansion to the east of Watson. So, under business-as-usual development in the Inner North, we will see 12,000 extra dwellings and 25,000 extra people in the next 25 years. But if decisions are taken to accelerate development in the In- ner North, and if the tram encourages extra development, we could see many, many more dwellings than an extra 12,000. There is space in fact for an extra 37,000 dwellings. No-one believes that we will actually see an extra 37,000 dwellings in the next 25 years, but clearly the sky is the limit, and the population growth we will see in the Inner North will be between very large and huge. St Margaret’s News 13 December 2018