The Inner North
ly among the suburban congregations has far more in common than
what they do that differs. The nature and style of the worship, the fel-
lowship groups, the community service activities, seeking to think crea-
tively of new mission possibilities, the strong sense of community that
they each highly value and don’t wish to lose, is replicated time and
again among them.
We also affirm that each congregations’ buildings are used extensively
by the congregation and community groups.
Each congregation celebrates a strong and dynamic history and has,
and continues to, experience a decline in attendance and membership,
naming the ageing of the congregation as a significant issue.
Each of the suburban congregations bring their own particular
strengths to the region:
• St Columba’s: it’s clear and urgent understanding that change is need-
ed now, it’s leadership in pushing for such change, it’s strong desire to
be relevant and connected in the region. It is also good to note the St.
C’s ministry agent has a very strong knowledge and background in en-
gaging people and groups beyond the walls of the church.
• St Margaret’s: brings a strong ‘left field’ thinking, a creative approach
to thinking about mission and community service, which is clearly seen
within its strong social justice praxis. The St Margaret’s ministry agent
brings a very strong history in education, leading small groups and re-
sourcing churches for mission.
• St Ninian’s congregation is the only church building that is on the ACT
govt designated road, pedestrian and cycle networks, it is the closest to
the light rail and is highly visible in the region. St Ninian’s new ministry
agent has vast experience and knowledge of spirituality and contempla-
tion, of creating communities and space for such to thrive.
• O’Connor UC: brings a deep desire for effective community-based
mission, it is active in the region through staging events and providing a
meeting place for many community groups including the community
The above information from Steve Coster sets out the challenges and
also sets out some of the strengths, that the suburban congregations
bring to meeting these challenges. (The suburban congregations have
St Margaret’s News
December 2018