St Johns Newsletter July 20 | Página 5

LETTER FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT St. Johns Members, We have been plugging along down in the maintenance department. I have a great team of hard working people right now and we have been seeing the results of their hard work. Around the middle of next week we will be doing a light verti-cut. Through our current verti-cut and grooming applications we’ve been able to minimize the effect of the 419 on ball roll. In our efforts to keep the course weed free, a continued application of post merge herbicides is being applied and the results have been positive. Recently there have been some comments about the rough height; it has been set to 1.5 inches and we plan to maintain that throughout the summer. Results were positive after our last punch and the next scheduled aerification of the greens is July 28-29. Thank you, Andy Maguire Superintendent 5