St. Johns January 2019 Newsletter P3_STM77850 January Newsletter | Page 4
Schedule of Events
7th – Rules Seminar @ 6 PM
10th – Registration opens for the Casper Cup
17th – Registration opens for Match Play
20th – One Day Member-Guest
22nd – Rules Seminar @ 6 PM
I hope everybody had a wonderful Holiday and is off to great start in the New Year!
January can be a tough month for golf as we see waves of cold fronts coming in
periodically which can make for some cold and icy mornings. But as we see the days get
longer and the sun more often, we can expect the golf to become a lot more pleasant.
Until then, the golf course and its surrounding areas will become browner as the grass
enters intoenters its dormancy, which means it will stop its growth. As more golfers are
playing the golf course, the golf carts and foot traffic will impede the grass from growing in
high traffic areas.
It is important for avid golfers to recognize this and protect these areas as long as we can.
This means walking or driving through less traveled areas such as the green sides and tee
boxes. Divots won’t fill in as quickly as we expect them too, so consider filling as many as
you can when you have the chance, or even playing “winter rules” amongst your group.
January is also the month that we renew you GHIN handicap. If you do not have a GHIN
handicap, you should really consider getting one as it is the #1 handicap service in the
nation. GHIN will keep track of your scores and formulate an official handicap through a
simple algorithm of scores, slopes and ratings. If you do have a GHIN number already, we
will be billing your account in order to maintain your existing data.
Jonathan Dick
PGA, Head Golf Professional