St. Johns January 2019 Newsletter P3_STM77850 January Newsletter | Page 3
St Johns Members,
Happy New Year! We are thrilled to start 2019 at St Johns and continuing to build on our
improvements and service from last year.
The Membership Advisory Committee continues to meet regularly on the last Tuesday
of each month to discuss a variety of topics that include, standardization of weekly
games, reviews and feedback of social events, our team’s service, golf course conditions,
current membership standings, major tournament updates and analysis, and other areas
that affect your Membership Experience. Decisions and comments made during these
meetings are implemented in our daily operation or during strategic planning during the
year. Please feel free to reach out to a member of our staff or Committee for updates or if
you have a comment you wish discussed.
This year, an official Handicap Committee has been formed and will be chaired by Paul
Gulotta. Paul and his committee will be sharing more information on their role with the
club and its responsibilities in an upcoming letter to the membership in the upcoming
Our The first half of our Member Event Calendar is listed in the back of this month’s
newsletter. Please take time to review and make note of these majors and social events
at the club. Sign up and registration for all tournaments will be executed through Golf
Genius. For any questions, please contact Jonathan Dick in the Golf Shop.
Have a great January and we are looking forward to an outstanding 2019!
Ben Pasquith
General Manager