This fall, St. James’ will dedicate a new Presence
Lamp in the Chapel. Given in honor of Chetram
Budhram’s faithful and exemplary service on staff,
the lamp will burn by the Aumbry in the Chapel
where the Reserved Sacrament is kept.
Reserving the Sacrament for the sick began
very early in the history of the church. Ministers
were appointed to carry consecrated Bread and
Wine to those unable to attend public worship, a
practice our Lay Eucharistic Ministers and clergy
continue. In the earliest days, this sharing in
Communion was done immediately after worship,
but as the church grew and the number of visits
increased, the need arose to keep the Sacrament
available throughout the week by “reserving” it in
the church building. In time, special Aumbries and
Tabernacles were constructed, and lamps lit to
alert the faithful where the Sacrament was kept.
This lamp lighting was no doubt in response to the
reality that many Christians found comfort praying
near the Sacrament, and therefore in the presence
of the Living Christ.
Our new Presence Lamp was designed by
Davis d’Ambly, a renowned liturgical artist in
Philadelphia. (Davis also designed the wooden
processional cross presented in Brenda’s honor at
the celebration of her 20 th year as rector, as well
as the green chasuble and stoles the clergy wear.)
The design is a simple and elegant one, with a
wrought iron bracket mounted to the wall holding
a globe with a seven day candle. The gift seems
an especially appropriate one to honor Chetram’s
faithfulness in supporting our life as a worshipping
community — assisting the Altar Guild in their work,
paying attention to endless details, and serving at
weekday services in the Chapel.
Once installed, the new Presence Lamp will
faithfully burn for decades to come, inviting all who
pass by to pause and pray, remembering that they
are in the very presence of the Living Christ.
8 · FALL 2018