St. Bernards College 2013 Yearbook #1 | Page 14

Leadership Parents, Friends and Supporters of the School PFS Report T he 2013 PFS committee is an enthusiastic group who enjoy organising activities to raise funds to be able to provide for those “extras” around the school. Once again we ran dances for the years 7/8, 9 & 10. These are always well supported by the boys. Many thanks to Karen McAuliffe for providing disco lights and our regular DJ, Fraser McMillan, who kept things rocking along. Tania Dennis runs the well-stocked 2nd hand uniform shop and this year we contributed $1,000 towards new books and magazines for the library. Diane Start managed the Entertainment Book sales and we had many repeat sales, managing to make a profit of $1,500. Deborah Wright and Felicity Hislop took up the challenge to resurrect the annual SBC Quiz night. With the help of Alan Smith & Jo Walker they secured a long list of sponsored and spot prizes. We sold over 20 tables and it was an enthusiastic and competitive evening. Thanks to Cycle Science for donating a mountain bike which we raffled helping us raise a total of $3,000 on the night. 12 Page Sponsor: The annual Garage Sale in November was well supported by parents and students- everyone having a good clean out during the previous holidays. The day dawned fine (which is always a relief) and with plenty of sales banter from the committee and helpers we sold lots of toys, books and clothes. The sausage sizzle was ably run by Graeme Josephson & Jeanette QuillWilcock. Virginia Dicken and Sharon Craig did a sterling job selling plants, sweets and tickets to our annual Christmas raffle. Thanks to Patricia Pynenburg for donating a beautifully iced Christmas Cake as the main prize in the raffle. I would like to thank the committee as well as Brenten Higson(staff rep on the PFS) for the time and effort they give to PFS activities and meetings. Special thanks also to Michael Start for being the official photographer at PFS events and lending an extra hand whenever needed. Thanks also to head boy, Matthew Dicken, who was an avid promoter of the PFS to students. Finally, many thanks to the parents and caregivers of the boys from St Bernard’s College – your support is what makes it all worthwhile. Elizabeth Josephson. Gault Mitchell Law - St Bernard’s College 2013