Staff Farewell
We’ll meet again... ka kite anō!
Catherine has had
a long association
with SBC, both
as a mother
and a Sports
Co-ordinator. An
avid athlete and
successful sportswoman in her own
right, Catherine
was indispensible
in her role as
“herder of cats”
and organiser”.
Michelle Volk
worked at St Bernard’s for nearly
10 years starting
as a receptionist
and then becoming the Financial
assistant. She
had an accounting
degree BBS from
Massey University
which she was able to put to practical use
in the Finance area. In her spare time she
liked to create unique gift cards. Her ambition was to take up a full time role as an
accountant and she is pursuing this goal in
between juggling her family commitments
and especially managing her household
while her husband spends long periods
overseas with his work.
Nick Wilson
What have you
enjoyed about
your time at
St Bernard’s
College? I have
enjoyed taking
boys out on EOTC
for retreats and
O’Shea Shield etc!
Good times!
What will you
miss? My classroom! Man it looks good!
Where are you going to be for 2014?
I am going to be working for the Catholic
Education Office in Palmerston North
working with Teachers College students
who want to be RE teachers, writing
programmes for young people who don’t
have the luxury of attending a Catholic
school and lecturing for TCI.
St Bernard’s College 2013
Natalya Mansell
What have you
enjoyed about
your time at
St Bernard’s
College? The
camaraderie of
the staff and the
hidden secret
of the Marcellin
What will you
miss? Working as
part of the RE and English team and I will
miss the boys.
Where are you going to be for 2014?
Working on a new initiative in Christian
education and setting up a new school in
Maria Fouhy
What have you
enjoyed about
your time at
St Bernard’s
College? I have
enjoyed working
with the staff and
students of SBC,
particularly the
Special Character
boys and my
favourite form
What will you miss? I’ll miss the boys,
Team RE, the Marist brothers and the
happy time that I have had at St Bernard’s
for the last three years.
Where are you going to be for 2014? I
will be at Sancta Maria College as Head of
Department, Religious Education.
Lyn Too
What have you
enjoyed about
your time at St
Bernard’s College? Getting to
know students as
juniors and watching them develop
and mature into
confident young
men. Getting to
know some families
well, having taught
several sons over the years. Learning more
about different cultures, particularly Maori,
Pasifica and African cultures which I had
little prior knowledge of.
What will you miss? The colleagues who
I have worked closely with and formed
friendships with over the last ten years. The
vibrant multicultural flavour of SBC.
Catherine Brennan
Where are you going to be for 2014?
Teaching science, chemistry and Christian
Living in Rangiora, Canterbury.
Gordon McGavin
Mr McGavin,
formerly an
engineer at Rolls
Royce, came to
St Bernard’s from
Tawa College. He
was here for a
short time, to fill
in for Mr Sefton’s
Technology classes,
whilst Mr Sefton
covered Mr Fava’s
medical absence.
Gordon had a canny Scot’s humour and
regailed junior tech classes with tips and
tricks. Always happy to help, he even proved
“you can teach an old dog new tricks” as
he learnt about the ins-and-outs of ipod
apps and in turn mentored Mr Harrison with
a Wing Chun woodwork project.
Br Tim Leen
What have you
enjoyed about
your time at
St Bernard’s
College? The
determination of
the boys I work
with. What will
you miss? I’m
going to miss
the Marist Spirit
within the boys.
Where are you
going to be for 2014? Republic of Kiribati
and then Asia
William Daveis
William will be
sorely missed by
staff and students
alike as the flexible
and friendly parttimer. Changes to
timetabling meant
he left to seek full
time work. He was
always collegial
and social. William
could be relied upon to go to the ends of
the earth for SBC - well... both Japan and
New Caledonia. : )