St Albert Physiotherapy Read This Before You Get Massage Therapy | Page 3

IMPORTANCE OF MASSAGE THERAPY • Helps Reduce Your Stress – Spending a peaceful day at your Massage Therapy can be a great way for you to de- stress and unwind. In fact, the effects of the therapy help clients feel at ease and relaxed for days after their appointment. • Improves Your Blood Circulation – Loosening tendons and muscles allow better blood circulation all over your body. Improving your blood flow can lead to numerous positive effects on all parts of your body, such as reduced pain and feeling less fatigue. • Reduces Body Pain – Massage Therapy is a great way for you to work out all your problem areas such as chronic stiffness and lower back pain. With the help of a professional massage therapist who will precisely massage those areas that are the source of your discomfort and pain. After your therapy, you will feel like a different person. • Eliminate Toxins From Your Body – Stimulating and massaging the soft tissues in your body helps release the toxins through your lymphatic systems. A professional massage therapist knows exactly the way and technique to massage so the toxins are easily eliminated from the blood.