SRP Strategic Plan 2023/27 | Page 9

Priority 2 - Synergy

As the largest Radia on Protec on organisa on in the UK , SRP seeks to be the lead Radia on Protec on Society for informa on or advice on ma ers related to public and worker radia on safety when required by HM Government , but also by regulators , other professional bodies , na onal and interna onal organisa ons .
Synergy can be defined as the total outcomes achieved by working together as a group that are greater than the outcomes that can be achieved by working separately .
The Society therefore has a need and desire to strengthen our exis ng rela onships with our own members and with other Learned Socie es , as well as to work proac vely and collabora vely with all stakeholders . We must reach out to all individuals and organisa ons with interests in , or concerns about , radia on safety .
SRP has an important part to play interna onally as well as na onally . The Society is commi ed to suppor ng the Interna onal Radia on Protec on Associa on ( IRPA ) and interac ng in synergy with the Interna onal Commission on Radiological Protec on ( ICRP ) and other organisa ons , par cularly during the on-going review of the RP system , to help ensure that it remains effec ve , reasonable , and propor onate .
Working in synergy as a radia on protec on community we can share good prac ce across our diverse membership , and SRP is commi ed to the cross pollina on of ideas between all our fields to achieve greater outcomes .