SRP Directory of Affiliated Organisations - 2024 | Page 13

www . emfcomp . com Contact : Richard Findlay enquiries @ emfcomp . com 01235 415008
EMFcomp provides award winning services for electromagne c field ( EMF ) safety . We specialise in quality , cost effec ve EMF assessments , guaranteed to help you solve your EMF compliance problem . We work with both SMEs and large mul na onal organisa ons . We cover the sta c , low frequency and radiofrequency field ranges . We have carried out hundreds of EMF assessments since our forma on . Our Chartered Radia on Protec on Professionals ( CRadP ) have significant experience in EMF safety . Our state-of-the-art measurement equipment is calibrated in interna onally accredited labs . This allows us to accurately and scien fically assess compliance with any EMF guideline or regula on . We measure , model and provide advice on electromagne c field exposure . We also assess electromagne c compa bility ( EMC ) and electromagne c interference ( EMI ). There is a lot of misinforma on regarding the effects of EMFs on people . EMFcomp ' s work is based on scien fic research published in the peer reviewed literature . We can ensure compliance with legisla on such as ' The Control of Electromagne c Fields at Work Regula ons ( CEMFAW ) 2016 '. Our reports detail the methods used , results , recommenda ons and mi ga on advice . As a co-author of the European Commission ' s ' Prac cal Guide for Implemen ng the EMF Direc ve ', a guide that forms the basis for assessing compliance with the UK ' s EMF regula ons , we are ideally placed to provide EMF safety services to industry . EMFcomp ' s Managing Director , Dr Richard Findlay , is the past Chair of the SRP ' s EMF & Op cal Radia on Commi ee , a Chartered Radia on Protec on Professional and a Fellow of the SRP .
www . gov . uk / government / organisa ons / environment-agency Contact : Ian Strea ield ian . strea ield @ environment-agency . gov . uk 0203 0255757
The Environment Agency is responsible for regula ng the proper protec on of people and the environment . We champion sustainable development and support industry in their ac ons to transi on to net zero . This includes the regula on of those industries across England which use and dispose of radioac ve substances , both within the nuclear and non-nuclear sectors . Whether it be an opera onal power sta on or one that is being decommissioned , a new build project , fusion , a hospital , landfill or a na onal repository for radioac ve waste , our work with industry seeks to ensure that high levels of environmental protec on are achieved . We also influence and shape the strategic direc on of radioac ve substances regula on , working with Government , operators and other regulators . We are an ambi ous , enabling regulator that supports and trusts each other to do the right thing , focusing on outcomes , to create a be er place .