www . eden-ne . co . uk Contact : Shelly Mobbs admin @ eden-ne . co . uk 01768 868985
Eden Nuclear and Environment Ltd was established in 2007 to provide independent consultancy and management services within the nuclear sector and for other users of radioac ve materials . We support our clients in the development of safe , sustainable and economically achievable solu ons for managing nuclear and environmental liabili es , in addi on to suppor ng the development of na onal strategies and policies . Our UK and interna onal clients include Government , regulators , and organisa ons in the fields of waste management , waste disposal , nuclear research , spent fuels and nuclear materials management , and facility decommissioning .
We are an employee-owned organisa on working across and outside the UK , and we also maintain a wide network of Associates and subcontractors who can offer specialist support . Whilst all our employees are highly trained and experienced within their field , we also focus on skills development for all employees par cularly those at the earlier stages of their careers . Some of our employees are Cer fied Radioac ve Waste Advisors ( UK RWA ).
We work on a consultancy model where all senior staff are involved in technical delivery as well as project management . This allows us to deliver technical excellence at the same me as providing small , flexible , and efficient working teams , while mentoring our early career staff . We use a “ best athlete ” approach when working in frameworks or when working in projects involving mul ple organisa ons . Our technical delivery is supported by administra ve staff which enables mely resolu on of commercial issues .
www . edfenergy . com / energy / nuclear-new-build-projects Contact : Phil Kruse phil . kruse @ nnb-edfenergy . com 07738 346506
EDF Energy is Britain ’ s largest generator of low carbon electricity , including all of the UK ’ s opera ng nuclear power sta ons . EDF Energy is also involved in new nuclear build projects through NNB Genera on ( HPC ) Limited , a subsidiary of EDF Energy , and Sizewell C Limited , where EDF Energy owns a stake . These projects will design , procurement , commission and operate large scale nuclear power sta ons in Somerset and Suffolk respec vely .
The first new nuclear power sta on to be built in the UK in over 20 years ; Hinkley Point C in Somerset is currently under construc on and will provide low-carbon electricity for around 6 million homes , create thousands of jobs and bring las ng benefits to the UK economy . Hinkley Point C will make a major contribu on to the UK ' s move to reduce carbon emissions . The electricity generated by its two EPR reactors will offset 9 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions a year , or 600 million tonnes over its 60-year lifespan .
The EPR reactor design has been approved by the UK ' s nuclear regulator , the Office for Nuclear Regula on ( ONR ). This means it sa sfies Britain ' s high and robust standards for nuclear safety .
The UK EPR design being used for Sizewell C is the same as at Hinkley Point C . In July 2022 , the Government approved the proposals for Sizewell C and granted the project a Development Consent Order ( DCO ).