SRP Annual Review 2022/23 | Page 5

About the Society
The members are at the heart of the Society and it recognises the importance of supporting members ' needs in order to be successful .
The Society is made up of a number of committees which focus on different aspects of radiological protection and the work of the Society . Committee reports for the year are on pages 9 to 16 .
The Society continues to organise appropriate scientific meetings and produces regular publications in the form of the Journal of Radiological Protection , the weekly member email SRP Weekly and the magazine Radiation Protection Today . Where appropriate members are notified of consultative documents and their views sought . Additional publications , following workshops , and information leaflets are produced periodically .
New Honorary Fellows ( presentations made at the 2022 Annual Conference )
John Boice John was President of the US National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements ( NCRP ) 2012-19 and is currently its Director of Science . From 1997- 2017 he was a member of the Main Commission of the International Commission on Radiological Protection ( ICRP ) and for 25 years from 1993 , a member of the US delegation to the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation ( UNSCEAR ).
Roger Collison Roger is the current Chair of SRP ' s Registration Approval Committee and chaired the Society ' s Basic Safety Standards 2013 Working Group from 2015-19 . He is currently Company RPA at Babcock International ' s Devonport facility where he is also Head of Profession for around 120 health physics staff including around 30 professional Health Physicists and graduate trainees .
Susan McCready-Shea Susan is an expert advisor on the Government ' s Committee on the Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment ( COMARE ) and has been the UK representative on IAEA ' s Radiation Safety Standards Committee ( RASSC ) and the Board of the Heads of European Radiological protection Competent Authorities ( HERCA ) and the UK expert on the European Commission ' s EURATOM Article 31 Group . Susan represented the Office for Nuclear Regulation ( ONR ) on the Government ' s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies ( SAGE ) committee .
2022 Dunster Lecture presented by John Boice
This year ' s Dunster Lecture was presented virtually by John Boice from his home in the USA . He was also presented with Honorary Fellowship .
The Dunster Lecture series was launched by the Society in 2011 to honour the memory of John Dunster . Previous speakers are Jack Valentin , Peter Marsden , Roger Cox , John Croft , Roger Coates OBE , Pete Burgess , Richard Wakeford , Roger Clarke CBE , Claire Cousins and Mike Wood .
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